Liberation Somatics: Unraveling


 White Supremacy

A 6-week somatic group to unlearn and unravel embodied patterns of white supremacy and individualism.

A mix of theory, practice, and play to help us unravel the myths of separation that permeate our bodies and beliefs.

We will move differently, listen differently, and practice different ways of being together so that we can liberate our imaginations from the stranglehold of despair, reactiveness, and mistrust.

In this 6-week group you will be introduced to a series of foundational somatic practices, mostly from the lineages of generative somatics and Theatre of the Oppressed.

Participants will be guided through a series of individual, partnered, and group somatic practices, designed to move you beyond the embodied patterns that keep you constricted and towards more life, more connection, and more possibility.

Somatics is political. Our bodies and beliefs are shaped by the worlds we inhabit. Somatics allows us to become more conscious of the embodied and sub-conscious stories that shape our lives so that we can live in deeper alignment with our values and commitments.

Somatics is pragmatic. It's about creating new muscle memories and embodied possibilities through practice. We build an awareness of our default ways of being in the world and then work towards a deeper sense of alignment with our values instead of always reacting from our protective patterns.

Shifting cycles, creating new possibilities. Unraveling old stories. 

This is not a political education course. It is for those who have already done the work to understand and unpack the pervasiveness of white supremacy. This course is for you if you are committed to dismantling the ways that white supremacy shaped your body and beliefs.

Facilitated by Zoë April (she/her), a white trans woman living in the southern swamps of Gainesville, FL on occupied Timucua land.

More about Zoë


*No upcoming classes currently scheduled